Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The character of Beneatha Younger in A Raisin in the Sun - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 763 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/02 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: A Raisin in the Sun Essay Did you like this example? This book took place in the 1950s, and being a person of color at the time would mean people would treat you differently. Especially if you are a colored and female since society sees the role of the woman as a housewife that just cooks and cleans in the house until her husband comes home. The man, however, should be someone who works hard and should make most of the familys income. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The character of Beneatha Younger in A Raisin in the Sun" essay for you Create order There was some discrimination in the book towards people of color. Walter is someone who tries to be the man of the house and take charge but doesnt fully understand exactly what choices are the best to make. The family doesnt have a lot of money and live in a cramped house. The Younger family members are all different, they have different dreams and different attitudes that hinder the chances of their dreams becoming true. In the very beginning of the book, were introduced to Walter and Ruth having a conversation in the morning. Walter and Ruth were starting to argue, since Ruth didnt really approve of his dream and kept telling him to eat his eggs, Walter got upset and came up with this whole situation about a man, and a woman not supporting the man. After Walter told Ruth this, Ruth still said, Eat your eggs, Walter, Walter yells back, DAMN MY EGGS DAMN ALL THE EGGS THAT EVER WAS! (Hansberry, 34) His dream was to one day, open his own liquor store with his friends Willy and Bobo. But since Walter is always greedy and ignorant it prevents him from achieving his dream and noticing the dreams that the rest of the family has. Beneatha was well educated with a dream to become a doctor when shes old enough. Walter doesnt want Beneatha to be a doctor though, he thinks its a type of job a woman isnt fit for. Walter and Beneatha often fight about the money Mama had. When Beneatha argues with Walter about the money, she says, That money belongs to Mama, Walter, and its for her to decide how she wants to use it.(Hansberry, 36) Beneatha and Walters relationship doesnt seem like the best, and throughout the book, it tears the family apart. The reason why Beneatha wanted to become a doctor is that she wanted to cure and help people. After Beneatha tells Asagai about her friend going to the hospital, she says, That was what one person could do for another, fix him up sew up the problem, make him all right again. That was the most marvelous thing in the world? I wanted to do that. (Hansberry, 133) Mama had her own dreams too, she wanted her own house and to have a nice garden to take care of. The money changes everyone in the family, especially Walter since he, at the beginning of the book, was questioning Beneatha a lot if she really wanted to become a doctor because if by any chance she lost interest, more money would go to Walter. Beneathas dream is very important, and her way of getting ahead in the world is one of the best in the family. Walters dream to open a liquor store would have made him continue his bad habit of drinking with his friends Willy and Bobo. When Beneatha does start to lose hope of her dream, is when she finds out about the loss of the money. Because of the fact that she is a female and that she is also a woman of color, people are going to try to put down this dream of Beneathas. This is still a time where people follow what society wants, and females as doctors didnt seem right. Walter tried to convince Beneatha to back out of it plenty of times, he said, Have we figured out yet exactly how much medical school is going to cost? (Hasberry, 36) Walter speaks in a tone like hes upset, since the check ten thousand dollars, a big chunk of it would be taken out for Beneathas medical school tuition. But even after Walter had lost all the money Beneatha still wanted to become a doctor and make her dream come true. The best overall way to get ahead in the world would be for Beneatha to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor, it may still be in the 1950s but it doesnt mean its impossible to achieve if you are determined like Beneatha. Her personality would one day help her do what shes always wanted to do and maybe could inspire others like how she was.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Aids Epidemic Of Haiti Essay - 1984 Words

When a fatal disease becomes known to a society but lacks explanation our instinct as humans is to jump to conclusions, whether they are logical or not. We bargain with our faith, we search for any evidence to support our conjectures, we deny the truth of the disease, and we place blame on each other. All of these desperate acts of justification are driven by fear—fear of the unknown. The combination of fear and ignorance that pushes people to make conclusions is readily notable in the AIDS epidemic of Haiti. Haitians reacted to AIDS in a similar manner as other cultures, but there are also differences that are specific to their community. Like many cultures, Haitians reasoned the occurrence of AIDS with explanations beyond the scope of medicine, with diseases that were known to them, or were instead in complete denial. The uniqueness of the occurrence of AIDS in Haiti was that there was no direct cause that could be addressed. Thus, while under significant scrutiny as the origin of AIDS, Haitians reacted to the epidemic by blaming the existence of AIDS on poor socioeconomic status, on sorcery, and on other people or countries. As part of their reaction to AIDS, Haitians had a propensity to attribute the existence of AIDS to poor populations. AIDS is indeed more prevalent among the lower socioeconomic class in Haiti, but the perception as to why this pattern occurred went beyond the simple interpretation that AIDS was a disease of the poor. In The Exotic and TheShow MoreRelatedAids : A Modern Interpretation Of The Aids1391 Words   |  6 Pagesmodern interpretation of the AIDS evolution, I found it difficult to be fully engaged with the immense amount of scientific information and terms. Despite the fact I do not have a positive opinion of the book, Pepin’s extensive knowledge and research is evident and bolsters his claims and his epidemiology. Pepin beings the book with the origins of AIDS, debunking the popular claims which spread throughout the United States. Secondly, Pepin introduces the way the AIDS epidemic spread and then completelyRead MoreEffectiveness Of Hiv Testing And Prevention Prog rams1510 Words   |  7 Pages Effectiveness of HIV Testing and Prevention Programs in Haiti HIV is a worldwide health issue. It is a major problem in the Caribbean, especially on the island of Haiti. Haiti has the highest rate of the disease in this region, with a 1.9% rate in people aged 15 to 49. It is spread in Haiti primarily through heterosexual contact, with mother to offspring transmission following in second. 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This essay presents a critique of foreign aid intervention and poor effective governance within the country of Haiti. The essay will begin with a history of Haiti’s political, economic and social aspects that contribute to today’s slow effortsRead MoreThe Haiti Earthquake And Health Care1269 Words   |  6 Pages The Haiti earthquake and health care Samantha Sherrod Miller-Motte Technical College Emergency Procedures MA125 Mrs. Christina June 14, 2015 Abstract The Haiti earthquake and health care Health care can bring people together when there is equal access, or divide people when there is not. On January 12, 2010, Haiti was hit by an magnitude-7.0 earthquake. More than half a million people dies or was injured, and approximately 2Read MoreThe Epidemic Of The Aids Epidemic1438 Words   |  6 PagesThe AIDS Epidemic â€Å"According to the New England Journal, by September 1987, more than 40,000 cases of AIDS had been recognized in the United States and 50,000 cases in different countries.†(Swenson par. 1) The events that took place in the late 1980s and early 1990s changed the world as we knew it. It also challenged some of the greatest medical minds of that time, as they continually searched for a cure worldwide. An examination of primary and secondary sources will reveal the significance of theRead MoreHiv / Aids : Growing Epidemic Among African Americans1607 Words   |  7 PagesHIV/AIDS the growing epidemic among African Americans April Hampton Excelsior College ILSE SILVA-KROTT October 11, 2015 Abstract In my studies I have found that HIV/AIDS is one of the largest growing epidemics among African American’s. 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Unfortunately we live in an unpredictable world. No matter what the meteorologist says about the weather, 5xs out of 10, they re inaccurate. In January 12 2010, my beloved country Haiti was hit with a 7.0 catastrophic earthquake, which not only affected the country but the entire world surrounding it. Whether you are Haitian-born, American-born with Haitian parents /descendants or even from a different nation/country, the events that

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Possible Outcomes of Overpopulation Free Essays

Possible Overpopulation Solutions The human population growth of the last century is tremendous. It required only forty years after 1950 for the population to double from 2. 5 billion to 5 billion. We will write a custom essay sample on Possible Outcomes of Overpopulation or any similar topic only for you Order Now The factors affecting global human population are very simple. Theyre fertility, mortality, initial population and time. India, China and USA are the top countries that are currently in crisis because of overpopulation. Many of our basic resources are strained such as, food; one out of every seven people alive, go to bed hungry. 5,000 people die of malnutrition and hunger-related diseases. In many regions children’s asthma has risen dramatically because of the air quality (www. howmany. org). Since this is happening, a result might be that there wouldn’t be enough food, water, or shelter and therefore these numbers will increase. Scientists say solutions to this situation would be to plan out how many kids you want and use birth control. Some scientists think that the Government should adopt the slogan â€Å"Patriotic citizens stop at two children† and adjust tax and other policies (wmwnbcnews. com). Coaching Questions 1 . It’s really feasible to control how many children a person has. In order to maintain urrent population, 1 kid per person is required. 2. We obtain energy from natural resources, fossil fuels, and nonrenewable energy. We would need more energy. Sometimes burning resources such as coal causes pollution. 3. Disease that spread fast in crowded conditions is: food poisoning, typhoid fever, tetanus and polio. These diseases can be treated and prevented with proper methods. 4. 14,475 deaths per day; in India the let vultures eat the dead; it’s not practical to use land because of the growing population. Yes, building houses. 5. We need to conserve land and soil because we need somewhere to build houses and farms. . When land becomes a desert, this would be a problem because nothing grows in the desert. 7. Some residents get theirs from wells, some from city water in the ground 8. No, you cant add or lose water. 9. We would need a bigger hospital and a lot more schools; we would Just need to expand almost everything to adjust properly. 10. Yes , people will fight for what they need. Immigration would increase; people would move to places with the most resources. 1 1 . There would be less demand for animals which would give us more land 12. China, India and the USA. Possible Outcomes of Overpopulation By kiara_shonte How to cite Possible Outcomes of Overpopulation, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Freedom, Liberty and the Novel free essay sample

An examination of Rise to Rebellion by Jeff Sharra and how it relates to the War of Independence. This paper briefly looks at several quotes from the book Rise to Rebellion by Jeff Sharra and discusses the ideals of freedom and liberty by looking at key areas of the war for American Independence 1776-1783. It examines what these important concepts meant to people like Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. Through out the many fights for independence there has always been a view and ideology that sought a restriction upon one nation however, when a nation seeks its own independence and freedom from a despotic ruler or government the reasons are not always clear and precise; for example when the United States of America fought for its independence between the years 1776 and 1783 was not just a war of politics it was also a war of personal prejudices against taxation and the rights of the settlers. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom, Liberty and the Novel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Friday, November 29, 2019

Human Values And Ethics Vs. Philisophical Ethics Essays - Abortion

Human Values And Ethics Vs. Philisophical Ethics HUMAN VALUES AND ETHICS VS. PHILIOSOPHICAL ETHICS They had discussed it, but not deeply, whether they wanted the baby she was now carrying. I dont know if I want it, she said, eyes filling with tears. She cried at anything now, and was often nauseous. That pregnant women cried easily and were nauseous seemed banal to her, and she resented banality (p. 389 Alice Walker The Abortion). It could sound familiar to many of us. Either in personal life or while discussing and debating, whether during college courses or encircled by close friends, I am sure that each and everyone of us has come across with the issue of abortion, developing a distinct, individual opinion about that particular subject. What we think about abortion will be a function of what we think about sex, about reproduction, about the beginning of human life, about responsibility, about killing, about sexual equality, and about religion. Actually, there is little in life to which the issue of abortion is not in some way related. It is not surprising, then, that there is s o much disagreement about what abortion is and whether of not it is good, bad, or neither. At the root of the controversy is a basic value judgment about the human status of the fetus; does it have any rights, and should the fetus be considered a person. The question of abortion is compounded by a related issue -- the right of a woman to control her own body. First, I would like to say a few words about the legal issues of abortion. We all know that abortions were prohibited many years ago by various cultures and countries. Pregnant women, not having a choice, were forced to perform illegal abortions, sometimes done not by doctors but by herbalists. Without much of technology, they tried to induce the bleeding, scraping off the walls of the uterus in attempt to remove the fetus. As a result of internal and external bleeding, blood infection and other side effects, many women died. Not only through some historical periods, but during the twentieth century it continued to happen. Even here, in the United States, in 1969, most state laws prohibited abortion, unless the life of the pregnant woman was threatened. In the mid-1960s, the estimated death rate for abortions performed in hospitals was 3 deaths per 100,000 abortions; the rate for illegal abortions was guessed to be over eight times higher than that -- 30 deaths per 100,000 abortions was a rough estimate and almost certainly conservative. For minority and poorer women, it was certainly very much higher (statistics are taken from Moral Revolution by Kathryn Pyne Addelson, from Twenty Questions: . . .). My point is that abortions will surely continue, as they have through human history, whether we approve or disapprove or hem and haw (Barbara Ehrenreich, Is Abortion Really a Moral Dilemma? p. 425 Twenty Questions: . . .) Therefore, it is much better for abortions to take place legally and under proper medical supervision. I think that here, a person committed to utilitarian ethical theory would agree with me because according to my conclusion it would produce more amount of good for the greater number of people -- by doing abortions legally, more women could afford it and less of them would die. As a result of my little discussion, I believe that performing abortions should remain legal as it is of 1973. However, whether the issue of abortion is ethical or not, is the subject of the following discussion. In order to discuss the ethical issue of abortion, first of all, I would like to turn to and illustrate the central factors, which might lead a woman, or a married couple, to the decision concerning the termination of her pregnancy. It could be one (or a few put together) of the following circumstances: 1) a woman got pregnant due to rape; 2) the health of the woman or the unborn child was at a serious risk; 3) a woman did not plan her pregnancy; it was accidental; 4) a woman changed or was persuaded by others to change her mind about having a baby. I dont think

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Chinese Culture

The Chinese Culture James Walker Mr.Johnson E3 December 20, 1996 This report is about the myths and beliefs of the Chinese culture. It's about the stories the Chinese created to explain the world around them, and generally how they perceived their surrounding environment. This report deals with ancient myths and the people who believed them, and what the current believes of these people are. The Southwest Creation Story The Southwest creation story is a myth which explains why people are different. The myth begins by saying that there were people on earth who were all alike, meaning there weren't people who were black, white, oriental, etc.. It states that the humans on earth all generally were the same. There were also gods who lived above the clouds in the heavens. And there was a huge heavenly ladder which started on a mountain and reached all the way up to heaven's door. It goes on to tell a story of a man who had two children. One was a girl and the other was a boy. They lived in a house which had a huge very thick roof. The man had built the roof so thick because it rained almost every day. He hated the rain. He knew it had its benefits but too much of it ruined his crops, destroyed his livestock and every time it rained the roof of the house was destroyed. And every time the man rebuilt it, he made it thicker and thicker. He blamed all his misfortune on the Duke of Thunder. The Duke of Thunder was one of the gods who lived in the heavens. He was the god of rain and thunder. The man dispised the Duke very much and had a pure hatred of him. Every time it rained the Duke would descend from the heavens and stand on a hilltop. There he would watch with pure delight as the rains and thunder came down harder and harder. Finally the man had had enough. One day he took his axe and waited on the hilltop for the Duke to arrive. When the rains came so did the Duke, and the man slashed him in the back. The Duke was hurt but not killed b... Free Essays on Chinese Culture Free Essays on Chinese Culture The Chinese Culture James Walker Mr.Johnson E3 December 20, 1996 This report is about the myths and beliefs of the Chinese culture. It's about the stories the Chinese created to explain the world around them, and generally how they perceived their surrounding environment. This report deals with ancient myths and the people who believed them, and what the current believes of these people are. The Southwest Creation Story The Southwest creation story is a myth which explains why people are different. The myth begins by saying that there were people on earth who were all alike, meaning there weren't people who were black, white, oriental, etc.. It states that the humans on earth all generally were the same. There were also gods who lived above the clouds in the heavens. And there was a huge heavenly ladder which started on a mountain and reached all the way up to heaven's door. It goes on to tell a story of a man who had two children. One was a girl and the other was a boy. They lived in a house which had a huge very thick roof. The man had built the roof so thick because it rained almost every day. He hated the rain. He knew it had its benefits but too much of it ruined his crops, destroyed his livestock and every time it rained the roof of the house was destroyed. And every time the man rebuilt it, he made it thicker and thicker. He blamed all his misfortune on the Duke of Thunder. The Duke of Thunder was one of the gods who lived in the heavens. He was the god of rain and thunder. The man dispised the Duke very much and had a pure hatred of him. Every time it rained the Duke would descend from the heavens and stand on a hilltop. There he would watch with pure delight as the rains and thunder came down harder and harder. Finally the man had had enough. One day he took his axe and waited on the hilltop for the Duke to arrive. When the rains came so did the Duke, and the man slashed him in the back. The Duke was hurt but not killed b...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cipd Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cipd - Assignment Example For example, employees requests for additional time to complete a particular task, while the manager requires from them, to complete the task within the specified time. In such cases, the issue is usually resolved as per the companies’ policy. But, if it is not possible to do so, then, those with the supreme authority and responsibility seek to resolve the issue in the light of their relevant knowledge and experience. In a business environment, verbal communication plays a crucial role, because, in a business environment, one deals with people, belonging to different background, culture and race and of different ages as well. Examples of verbal communication include: After agreeing on the particular service to be provided, it should be provided accordingly, that is, as per the agreement. This would assist you to obtain customer’s confidence on you which is the foundation of strong business relationship with customers. It is essential to keep the customers well informed about the current situation regarding the service to be provided. This would be helpful, in case it becomes difficult to provide the service to the customer in the agreed time period and a reasonable justification is required to be presented to the customer as to why the service could not be offered in the agreed time period. It is necessary to prioritize work, in order to manage time. It should be determined that which work is very important and urgent and which work is the least important and urgent, so that it can be carried out accordingly. It is imperative to keep reviewing the service on regular intervals by acting as per the feedback of the customers. This would facilitate you to improve to the quality of your service and would also create a positive impact on your customers. CPD is basically a mixture of various approaches, thoughts and methods which facilitate a person learn and achieve growth constantly. CPD’s essential focus is on the practical advantages which it offers

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Federal Governmant (Specific topic is listed below) Term Paper

Federal Governmant (Specific topic is listed below) - Term Paper Example The crime authority personnel or the lawyer can also call you whenever needed in the case in order to have relevant information about the incident even if you are not present in the location where the incident happened but have relevant information about it. Among the duties, one of the duties relates to taxes also. It is the constitutional duty of all American citizens to pay taxes. Taxes are necessary to ensure that various services can be provided, such as national defense, infrastructure, public works, government operations and more. Another duty is, when the male citizens of America become 18 years of old, then they must register themselves with the Selective Service System. This is the way the government draft the number of citizens who are eligible for service.1 A citizen of United States is being defined as someone who is born over there, within the jurisdiction of the United States of America or its territories. The body of the original Constitution comprises of three branches, that is, the Legislative, Judicial and the Executive. The rights of all citizens are outlined in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.2 Four years after the ratification of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights was added, when the farmers realized their omission for the citizens. All the 10 amendments were added at the same time while the remaining 17 amendments outlined various other changes. The First Amendment protects the freedom of all citizens to practice the religion of their choice or not practice any religion, freedom of speech, freedom to address the government and freedom of the press. The Second Amendment protects the right of all citizens to own guns, although it is still unclear whether this amendment means individual citizens or state militias. The Third Amendment protects citizens from being forced to feed and to give shelter

Monday, November 18, 2019

US Policy on Digital Learning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

US Policy on Digital Learning - Research Paper Example Digital ecosystem describes varied concepts concerning the field of Information Technology (IT), e-learning, as well as Information and Communications Technology (ICT). In the field of IT, digital ecosystem refers to an accessible networking infrastructure found on the Internet. Institutions continually adopt digital ecosystem services or solutions that enable them to use all available e-business solutions to enhance their operations. In contrast, when used in ICT, digital ecosystems establish viable business ecosystems. However, in e-learning, which is the focus of this study, digital ecosystem or digital learning ecosystem is considered the ecological models of teaching and learning, appreciating infrastructure available for e-learning and implementing existing e-learning tools. Weigel (2001) posits that digital learning ecosystems aid the design of innovative learning tools. Conventional, digital learning ecosystems, allow education stakeholders to appreciate the evolution of digi tal learning users, tools, services and policies. This is a noteworthy advantage of digital learning ecosystems, which was unavailable in traditional, virtual learning environments. Education stakeholders make use of the ecological approach and define the intricate interactions between students and instructors, students, and interfaces, students and students and students, and content. These relationships exemplify the elements existing in digital learning ecosystem and shape students’ learning outcomes.... This is a noteworthy advantage of digital learning ecosystems, which was unavailable in traditional, virtual learning environments. Education stakeholders make use of the ecological approach and define the intricate interactions between students and instructors, students and interfaces, students and students and students and content. These relationships exemplify the elements existing in digital learning ecosystem and shape students’ learning outcomes. The examination of the aforementioned interactions is a vital part of creating in-depth appreciation of digital learning environments. This understanding helps in the standardization as well as promotion of effective digital learning practices. Digital learning ecosystem also encompass learning infrastructure such as software applications that support and manage digital learning. Since the 1990s, Learning Management Systems (LMS) were the conventional software applications used for managing and supporting digital learning. Howev er, following the advent of the social media, education stakeholders continually challenge the place of LMS in digital learning ecosystem (Quellmalz & Kozma, 2003). These stakeholders appreciate and seem to prefer the use of personal and open digital learning tools, for instance blogs, social networking sites and wikis. In essence, the perspective of digital learning ecosystems considers all learning-related services and tools as species existing within a digital ecosystem – according to emerging points of view, the â€Å"species† inherent to digital learning ecosystems as living and continually evolving in symbiosis with different user communities such as developers, facilitators, learners and administrators. US Policy on Digital Learning The US Foundation

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Individual Critical Reflection On Learning Outcomes Marketing Essay

Individual Critical Reflection On Learning Outcomes Marketing Essay Tag Games is formed in 2006 as an independent game development studio and publisher by 3 game manufacturer veterans eager to bring new experiences to mobile gaming primarily, and then to further platforms. The 1st heading Dead Water was launched on J2ME mobile phones in Sept 2006 to extensive very important praise. Since then the studio has developed a desirable status for modernization and excellence, structure strategic partnerships with several main games developers and development studios all around the world. Having achieved success in the beginning period 2007 Tag raised seed deal from successive Scottish technology industrialist Bill Dobbie and they funded in middle of 2007 to enlarge manufacture ability and to allow a more hostile move toward the licensing and publication activity. Tag Games was featured as no.23 in the 02/ Real business 50 in 2007 to watch in Mobile listing, a greeting acknowledgment of the excellence of the studios games and potential of the business strategy. Marketing Plan for Back on the saddle game. Most of the mobile games developers develop the games basing on the news events. Marketing plan illustrates the market segments and strategies, which we are employing to get customers and create good revenue stream. We always develop the games with real life twist, which always give advantage over our competitors by giving customers a new outlet to enjoy mobile games. We will fund development of our own game by providing consulting services to create similar games for corporations who are looking to create mobile games for promotional purposes. The consulting project will come from advertising sponsorship relationships that we will establish with companies who are interested in embedding their brand and offers inside our other games and would also like something more custom that they can offer as their own game. In first few years of the business, we expect consulting to constitute a large portion of our revenue stream. Vision Our Vision is to provide people with a fun over the course of their normal day. We create games that are easy to play. We develop games basing on the real life situations and on life styles of different country people. This unique feature always helps us in winning the customers. We also help the customers in understanding the various cultures. Our software development team is experienced to create timely games quickly. Our marketing challenge is to attract visibility quickly and we intend to accomplish this by leveraging a multi-pronged approach that involves social media, email marketing and search engine optimization strategies to gain market share. As we gain traction in the marketplace, word of mouth will lift our game downloads significantly Goals Boost sales by 100% by the end of year 1. To be a mile stone in traditional game development within two years. To set up reliability among the clients. Our goal is to establish a reputation for games that poke fun at what many would consider humorous actions by well-known people. Our aim is to create the most innovative and fun casual games in the whole wide world! Target Customers Ideal customers is between the ages of 15 and 25 who enjoys playing video games and has a mobile phone that allows applications to be downloaded, such as the moderate to high end mobile phones. Customers usually have play station or TV-based video game unit at home. Some of the even have a portable gaming unit such as the DS/DSI and other portable gadgets. Most of the customers have access to a home computer, pc or Mac. Most of the customers are teenagers living at home, others are college students or who have joined the workforce in the last 6 years. They have a wide range of disposable income. Market Definition and Segmentation We target two segments: Mobile game users. Organizations that want to reach them. In the above segments, customers enjoy creative experiences and computer and mobile phone savvy. Free mobile games: Some features of free versions are disabled and advertising is displayed in some strategic locations within the game so that users are not bothered or distracted by the ads. For example, a shoes company pays for a sponsorship and we might embed their name as a tappable billboard that appears as if it is part of the game itself. We offer trail versions of our games for free so that users can get a taste of the full game without committing any money up front. Paid mobiles games: Paid mobile games contain a broader set of features. The price was fixed to create very low price resistance for customers. Games are accessible via instant download on their mobile platforms. Paid games are monetized via clickable ad sponsorships embedded within the games. Organizations that want to reach youth: There are customers who purchases custom mobile game development services. Their intent is to promote their brand and products to the demographic that overlaps with mobile game users. Target Market Segment Strategy: Strategies focus on developing an initial set of libraries containing game attributes that can be combined to create new games. After launching the game, we will stay in regular contact with our customers via numerous online methods, including social media and email marketing. After creating these libraries and games, we will be able to market fast-turnaround consulting services to organizations who would like their own promotional games. Target Mobile Game Users: Our mobile games have a timely connection to current news events. Due to which we release new games basing on previous and present news. For example, we created a cow boy character in back to the saddle game. And we create the new versions considering the latest political scandals, celebrity comments. The mobile game users enjoy interacting with games that give them a sense of power and excitement, allowing them in some way to live vicariously through the game. Most of our games are help in increasing the users concentration levels. Needs and Requirements: Mobile games users always get tired quickly and are constantly looking for new games to play. We target the news media so they discuss games related to the stories they are covering. Our target stories are taken from all around the World. Generally teens get money from their parents to purchase games, which can be from low paying jobs or allowances. Teens also have limited financial capacity yet choose to spend part of their disposable income on game as one of their sources of entertainment. Most of the mobile users have limited financial capacity. Customers always talk to each other about which games they enjoy, including strategies for playing and winning. They also participate in online forums and discussion group to gather tips and other information to help them play or to find new challenges. Most of the customers enjoy being listed as the high score when there is a public setting available for players. We intend to offer this public setting by allowing the customer to upload their score to our web site for each game. The highest scores will be posted, giving the player worldwide bragging rights. As a result, the word of mouth potential for timely games is explosive. We emphasize more on focusing on creativity along with spectacular service and speed of development for our consulting clients. It is important for us to get to market quickly in order to capitalize on the news event that is associated with game. The longer the delay between game conception and game release, the less the penetration of that game. Distribution Channels: Approaching senior marketing executives is typically done through a variety of means. Our finances and resources are limited, so we need to manage them effectively. We focus on two aspects: Advertising Networking The advertising will primarily be online via search engine ads so we see the results within days instead of not knowing whether a print ad has effect. We have identified 4 trade shows and 3 conferences that these executives typically attend over the course of a year. Part of our marketing plan is to attend these events to network with these potential buyers. We also will submit response to calls for papers to be speakers at some of the events when possible. Blackberry applications are controlled by Blackberry through Blackberry App world. Their users tend to be older and more focused on business uses for their mobile devices. Because of this, we will not focus our initial efforts on Blackberry. However, we do have the expertise to build Blackberry applications and will create custom games for this device for consulting clients who would like them. iphone games are distributed through the Appstore which is currently controlled by Apple. One of the obstacles we have to overcome is the speed with which apple approves applications for downloading, which will be important for us since our games have a time sensitive nature to them as they will be popular as long as a new story is in circulation. Googles Android offers an open source model so they will likely surpass the iphone in the number of applications available soon. This also eliminates the need for review and allows us to post new applications quickly. As more applications come out for this device, it will gain market share. We want to be positioned so that we provide excellent games for the community. Competitive Forces: There are many mobile game developers. Most games are developed by one person who does not have the marketing savvy to integrate advertising sponsorships into their games as we have outlined in this marketing plan. Our unique twists on the type of the games is also an advantage because we will not have to spend as much time and energy thinking of the game themes. The news of the day will provide that folders so our efforts can be concentrated on developing that real-life story into a game. There are many software developers targeting organizations to build custom games. Some are developing games overseas at lower cost. Even some larger domestic companies outsource portions of their game development. In order to keep up with pricing pressures, we have established ties with one overseas organization to help us with game development as we release new games and create the component libraries. Communications: We leverage word of mouth and social media for the vast majority of our marketing using platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Orkut. These platforms are widely used by the customers in our demographic market. We will make announcements via regular tweets and updates to our fan page on Facebook. We also use email marketing list which is comprised of people who have expressed interest in knowing when we release new games. We have segmented our email list so that we can send appropriate emails to media and different ones to actual gamers, our customers. We also develop an online ad campaign with landing pages containing lead generation forms that visitors can fill out to get whitepapers on using mobile gaming to attract customers. We also network at major trade shows and conferences, including obtaining engagements where we can discuss case studies to expose our concepts and strategies to the right level of buyer. Each game will contain a link to our web site where users can find out about more games and subscribe to our email list and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. To help promote games via word of mouth, each game has the option to notify a friend. So, a user can send a text message to a friend instantly to share their excitement or recommendation about the game. Budget: Marketing expenses are mostly for staff required to do the marketing activities listed. The vast majority of the software tools needed to implement the activities, such as analytics and landing page creation, are available for free. The exceptions to this are for specific tools like email marketing and forums. We do not expect an increase in marketing staff requirements during year 1 because one person can actually do a lot of these activities. Once they have put marketing plan processes into place, the marketing activities upkeep becomes easier and can handle by junior staff. Below is breakdown of marketing expenses by month for year 1. Keys to Success: Many companies leveraged the power of mobile games to reach their market, however we will show case studies which is the primary key to success. This can be tracked using metrics such as the number of times a gamer clicked on an ad embed into a game, the number of times a custom game was downloaded or an increase in sales of the product being promoted. Success can also be tracked by industry buzz. For example, fast food chain burger king created a Facebook application that allowed users to earn points for unfriending one of their friends. This application would show the image of the friend burning. Upon burning 10 friends, the user would be entitled to a free burger. This application spread very quickly and quite a few Facebook users enjoyed participating. This campaign did two things: generated traffic into restaurants and generated a tremendous amount of media buzz. It cost significantly less than a paid advertising campaign involving television time purchases. Our posting to social media sites will include a trackable link so we know how many people click on each post. Using online tools like link redirectors. We can also see how many readers repost or forward such links. We will also include trackable links within our email marketing messages. People who want more information about the game will be directed to landing pages, which are web pages that contain more information about the game, which includes details about the game and the links to download the game. These landing pages will be optimized for search engines so that when internet user search on various keywords, our pages will rank highly in their search results. The usage of online analytics tools helps to enable to see how many people click on various links in our media campaigns to go to the landing pages and how many clicks to download each game. On the other hand, online clicks cannot track users who use their mobile phones to download the apps directly, which may comprise the bulk of our downloads. For those, tracking of downloads is provided by the platform such as Appstore. We estimate that one of every ten people who visit the landing page or see a tweet or Facebook post will download a game. The average sale price estimated based on paid downloads as well as sales of advertising sponsorships and custom game development. Sales Forecast: Sales forecast is a difficult area of management. We have three sources for sales: Custom games development: This will be consulting projects to develop promotional games. Game downloads: This includes free and paid downloads. The free downloads are monetized from embedded advertising sponsorships. Embedded advertising sponsorships: ads embedded in both free and paid games. Sales Monitoring: Sales must be constantly monitored to ensure that targets are being reached and revenue is being generated. The best way to do this is by comparing sales against pre-determined targets which we have. The revenue generated from sale should also be tracked against the companys budget. Â  Sale achieved should be reported on a regular basis so monitoring can take place. It is sometimes not always obvious when a deal has been closed, so a reporting template to record sales may be helpful in this process. This template can also capture prospects that are being worked on so there is overall view of the sales pipeline. In monitoring Process, it is good to understand why a sale has been successful, and why a sale was not made. This can help us readjust our approach or learn about competitors so that the sale can be won the next time. Progress Monitoring: We created a variety of key metrics that will measure on a regular basis, to make sure we are on the track. These require many adjustments and fine tuning as we progress. INDIVIDUAL CRITICAL REFLECTION ON LEARNING OUTCOMES The Tag Games Company sets forth a clear mission statement that is outlined with three major principals in mind that outline the companys values and motivates its employees. Their mission statement is divided into two parts: Product mission Economic mission Social mission Further defines the companys outlook on how they should impact the world. By using clear energizing goals and communicative goals, the mission statement of Tag Games provides a motivating ideal that its employees can strive for. The Tag Games Company has a mission statement that motivates its employees to want to produce a good product. The Tag Games mission statement is divided into three subsections that make it simpler to see what the overall goal is. The subsections are product, economic and social missions. Each area addresses energizing goals as well as communicative goals to provide a clear and motivating mission statement. Energizing goals state the intent of the company and what goals the organization would like to achieve. Under the product mission, it is stated that their goal is to make, distribute and sell the finest thought provoking games. This is the primary mission of Tag Games because they are in the business of selling games. It is also the first subsection in their mission statement, they are saying that this is who we are and this is what we do. Tag Games is a games company, so the first line makes sense because it simply states what the primary goal of the company is to make games. Along with this line, there are more lines about serving the society and using the morals. These statements add a sort of validity to the business of making Games. These statements add a sort of validity to the business of creating games. Employees reading this might feel like they are doing the world a service by working for Tag Games. These sorts of statements are designed to make the employees feel like they are making a better product, better for the people who play the game and better for the rest of the world too. A portion of people that work for Tag Games as well as a portion of their customers base will place great importance on the companys outlook on the style and creativity of the games. The goals in the first paragraph are clear organizational goals and will make some of the employees that work there feels good about working there. The next portion of their mission statement goes into their economic mission. The economic mission states that part of their mission is to expand opportunities for development and growth for their employees. This is a sort of communicative goal. By making expansion a part of their economic mission for the purpose of providing opportunity, it becomes in the interest of all employees to work hard for expansion. By adding this section into their mission statement, Tag Games is communicating to every employee that it is their duty to help expand the business to create even more opportunity for current and future employees. Every employ gains from the economic mission includes increasing revenue for investors and making profit. Most companies will include profit making for investors and increasing revenue because stating this in the mission statement can attract investors. The final area that is included in their mission statement is the social mission that Tag Games has outlined for its organization. They state that because business plays a vital role in society that they should initiate ways to improve conditions locally, nationally and internationally. This paragraph basically outlines how to be a good citizen or neighbor within the community. A certain portion of the employee population will feel inspired by this portion of the mission statement and get increased job satisfaction from working at Tag Games. Working in the community and coexisting with neighbors is good for the company as well as being good for the employees. When the whole picture is put together, the values that Tag Games is trying to push in their mission statement is clear. Respect for nature, helping one another and being good neighbors to each other sums up the Tag Games mission statement. Their mission statement is very idyllic, but it is a good idea that many people would take to heart. The mission statement of Tag Games sets the tone for all employees and creates a positive impression of their company. The employees of Tag Games are probably very motivated to work for a company that has so much social conscientiousness and basic love for fellow man. It is definitely a feel good kind of mission statement. I always felt that marketing play a major role in promoting a product. However I never had a clear picture of importance of growth of the company and values. Tag Games, successful employment relations has seen the company become a leader within the gaming and development industry. Marketing and employment relations are equally important aspects to the successful operation of all businesses, through correct marketing businesses can expect to grow and expand, both in size and profitability. Tag games have employed a range of strategies to accomplish its aims and become a more competitive player within the aviation industry. With the development of new game, individual strategies will need to be used to help the business succeed. Role of marketing in the growth of the company The role of marketing is to connect the business with its target market. Marketing is the major link between the business and its customers. As the market changes and becomes more competitive, the business needs to know and understand its target market so it can provide better service to its customers. Successful marketing will identify customers needs, and then, plan price, promote and distribute the products and service that will satisfy these needs. This way the business goals of increased profit and greater share of the market can be achieved. But continually researching customers and monitoring the business environment, marketing provides the information the business needs in order to change direction on adjust its tactics by providing new product or changing existing products. The objectives and strategies of the marketing plan are used to determine the plans of the other functions such as operations, employment relations, and accounting and finance. Management has recognized t he role of marketing in business success and so continually researches its market and modifies its marketing strategies to meet customer needs and wants. Setting Marketing Objectives The next step in the marketing planning process is setting the marketing objectives. The objectives establishes in the business plan will be the guide for the marketing objectives. Tag Games main objective is to make a profit, both in the current and long terms. The overall goal is to provide a satisfactory return to investors and to generate enough profit in reserve to fund growth and the development of the new games. Tag Games main objective is to sell its games at affordable prices that will ensure enough demand to sustain its profit objectives. However there are other objectives, Such as increase sales, increase customer service, decrease operating costs, increase market share. Planning Planning is essential for successful marketing. In order to carry out the marketing program, a business needs a plan that will help it to achieve its objectives. For each business marketing plan is going to be different depending on the size and nature of the business. The marketing plan involves 5 stages these includes: Marketing mix As the gaming industry has become more competitive, the competitors have focused on product planning. Tag Games designs products to be attractive and hold customers from a particular market segment and to do so profitably. This means using its detailed understanding of the needs and requirements of its different market segments. Such understanding is acquired through market research. In gaming industry customer always get bored after completing the levels in the game. They always want something new which is not present in the market. To achieve this Tag Games always comes with creative ideas to develop new games. Price is an important element in any marketing plan. Strategies for promotion the new game. Image of Tag Games in the society. Advertising Sales promotion Strategies of Marketing A business can use a number of different strategies to reach the same objective, and a combination of different strategies can be used. Whichever strategies are used they must meet a number of basic points. Meet the objectives of the business and marketing plans Satisfy the needs of the target markets Work together in achieving marketing objectives. Tag Games uses market segmentation to better meet the needs of all its customers, to compete more effectively, and to attain financial goals more readily. Tag Games is launching new game called Back on the saddle which is targeting on youth and teenagers. Positioning is the image that Tag Games projects in relation to its competitors. Tag Games brings attention to its games by using a variety of positioning strategies. Situational Analysis The situational analysis looks at the market n terms of size and growth, needs of the target market and trends in buyer behavior. The performance of the products or service in terms of sales, profit margins and stage in the product lifecycle are examined. Major competitors are identified and analyzed in terms of marketing and stage in the product lifecycle is examined. Major competitors are identified and analyzed in terms of marketing strategies. A major part of such as market share, loyal customers, level of customer satisfaction and product quality. Marketing Plan Implementation Process of implementing Tag Games marketing plan into action. The marketing department of TagGames continually monitors, controls and adjusts its marketing activities using the following tools; Comparing actual and planned results using a number of tools. Revising market strategies and taking corrective action where appropriate. Developing a financial forecast of revenue using models, past sales data, executive judgment and surveys of customer trends. It then estimates costs such as market research cost, promotion costs. Tag Games marketing plan and strategies are effective because of the following: Focus on market research. Identify and satisfy customer needs. Encourage new product development. Comprehensive marketing plan and strategies. Apart from these, working on various projects has given me varied experience on the basis of which I have decided that marketing is where I would like to base my future. A career in marketing would give me an opportunity to work across boundaries of industry definitions with a number of industries ranging from consumer goods to innovative communication and high tech markets. The project helped me gain exposure, insight, knowledge and hands-on experience with time environment. The Project also helped me in understanding consumer buying behavior entails marketing, relationships, and consumer behavior. Consumer behavior comprises all the consumer decisions and activities connected with the choosing, buying, using and disposing of goods and services. I learned that marketers must pay very close attention to consumer behavior that occurs before the purchase and after the particular product has been used. Studying consumer habits is one of the steps in marketing search and analysis. In add ition to other basic principles of consumer buying habits, marketers also need to study the decision and actions of real people. If companies does not have the correct or necessary information about the competitors and market, bad business decisions occur, leading to companies not making marketing decisions without knowing specific details about their customers. I have understood and learned the planning and implementing marketing promotions to capture the market, within given budget constraints. And various methods of approaching companies marketing head for contracts or business deals. The bottom line of my experience is, every business is to attract customers continuously. It takes more than a good product or service; it takes serious planning and committed people working the plan.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing the Mothers in The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun Es

Comparing the Mothers in The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plays, The Glass Menagerie and A Raisin in the Sun, deal with the love, honor, and respect of family. In The Glass Menagerie, Amanda, the caring but overbearing and over protective mother, wants to be taken care of, but in A Raisin in the Sun, Mama, as she is known, is the overseer of the family. The prospective of the plays identify that we have family members, like Amanda, as overprotective, or like Mama, as overseers. I am going to give a contrast of the mothers in the plays.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, we embark on the task of seeing a family living in the post WWII era. The mother is Amanda, living in her own world and wanting only the best for her son, Tom. Tom, a dreamer, tired of Amanda’s overbearing and constant pursuit of him taking care of the family, wants to pursue his own goals of becoming a poet. He is constantly criticized and bombarded by his mother for being unsuccessful. This drives him to drinking and lying about his whereabouts, and eventually at the end of the play, he ends up leaving. An example of Amanda and Tom’s quarrel I when he quotes, â€Å"I haven’t enjoyed one bit of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it. It’s you that makes me rush through meals with your hawklike attention to every bit I take.†(302) Laura, on the other hand, is shy and out of touch with reality because of a slight disability, in which she is comfort...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mumbai-the City of Dreams Essay

Mumbai – the city of dreams, the city of broken dreams. Millions go unnoticed like sand castles washed away at the beach, millions are attracted by the skyscrapers of Elphinstone, and millions are immortalized like the Elephanta-s. From Haji Ali to Siddhivinayak, from local trains to the Vada Pav, from the boulders of Bandstand to the sands of Juhu, from Mangeshkar to Tendulkar, from the Khans to the Bachchans, it is ‘Aamchi Mumbai’ all the way. From the trawlers’ struggle for fresh catch to the country’s top CEO-s’ meetings, India’s business capital doesn’t seem to sleep. With fruit juice at Rs. 5 a glass outside railway stations, to Rs. 200 a cappuccino at the Trident, life in Mumbai sails smooth with all its diversity. The night remains young from DJ jamming sessions to ek chaalis ki last local. Almost a hundred Bollywood movies have had as their opening scene a long shot of Victoria Terminus, introducing Mumbai as sapno ki na gari. Arvind Swami’s lovelorn ‘Tu Hi Re’ on old fort reminds us of Bombay, whereas Ranbir Kapur’s ‘Wake up Sid’ sketches Mumbai on a realistic canvas. Dreams come true here, dreams shatter here, but life doesn’t go off the tracks. The locals move on, carrying few lakh dreaming hearts every day. The Churchgate slow local arrives on platform 3 of Lower Parel station at 11am with about a dozen hanging on each footboard; the ladies compartments have decked up corporate women in formals and topknots to Marathi fisherwomen rushing to the markets to sell their fresh catch. In fact, Mumbai traffic compels few office goers to park their cars at stations and take the reliable local to office everyday! ‘Bombay to Goa’ to ‘Saathiya’, the local train has repeatedly come on the silver screen. Even the Oscar winning Indian movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ had one of its popular songs shot at the famous Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus platform. Over the decades, it has turned out to be Mumbai’s lifeline. The tracks take a three hour daily break from 1:40am to 4:45am, CST to Khopoli, Churchgate to Dahanu. There are three main lines — the Western, Central and the Harbour line. Life in Mumbai revolves around local trains; the truth about which was felt when the Motormen strike on May 3rd, 2010 had left Mumbai chaotic and overturned. Another thing that raises tourist’s eyebrows is the ‘on-track’ vendors and their items. The ladies on their way buy household items to earrings to kurti-s. There is trial option also; anyone can try a kurti before choosing to buy! Another familiar face in the 9:01am Ambernath-Lower Parel II class ladies compartment is a lady who sells home-made sweets. She has an amazing style of calling out the names of the sweets, a shrill loud voice coming unexpectedly out of her frail structure, and women indeed go berserk buying her delicacies. It is perhaps correctly said, â€Å"You will find answers to all the mysteries of the world, except one— What does a woman want?† The engine siren pierces through the silence of the night, the bogies rattle on the tracks, the signals go red and green, the pebbles on the fishplates turn and overturn, and the Mumbai locals go on and on.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Tale Of Two Cities Essays - English-language Films, British Films

A Tale Of Two Cities Essays - English-language Films, British Films A Tale of Two Cities In the fictitious novel Tale of Two Cities, the author, Charles Dickens, lays out a brilliant plot. Charles Dickens was born in England on February 7, 1812 near the south coast. His family moved to London when he was ten years old and quickly went into debt. To help support himself, Charles went to work at a blacking warehouse when he was twelve. His father was soon imprisoned for debt and shortly thereafter the rest of the family split apart. Charles continued to work at the blacking warehouse even after his father inherited some money and got out of prison. When he was thirteen, Dickens went back to school for two years. He later learned shorthand and became a freelance court reporter. He started out as a journalist at the age of twenty and later wrote his first novel, The Pickwick Papers. He went on to write many other novels, including Tale of Two Cities in 1859. Tale of Two Cities takes place in France and England during the troubled times of the French Revolution. There are travels by the characters between the countries, but most of the action takes place in Paris, France. The wineshop in Paris is the hot spot for the French revolutionists, mostly because the wineshop owner, Ernest Defarge, and his wife, Madame Defarge, are key leaders and officials of the revolution. Action in the book is scattered out in many places; such as the Bastille, Tellson's Bank, the home of the Manettes, and largely, the streets of Paris. These places help to introduce many characters into the plot. One of the main characters, Madame Therese Defarge, is a major antagonist who seeks revenge, being a key revolutionist. She is very stubborn and unforgiving in her cunning scheme of revenge on the Evermonde family. Throughout the story, she knits shrouds for the intended victims of the revolution. Charles Darnay, one of whom Mrs. Defarge is seeking revenge, is coneztly being put on the ezd and wants no part of his own lineage. He is a languid protagonist and has a tendency to get arrested and must be bailed out several times during the story. Dr. Alexander Manette, a veteran prisoner of the Bastille and moderate protagonist, cannot escape the memory of being held and sometimes relapses to cobbling shoes. Dr. Manette is somewhat redundant as a character in the novel, but plays a very significant part in the plot. Dr. Manette's daughter, Lucie Manette, a positive protagonist, is loved by many and marries Charles Darnay . She is a quiet, emotional person and a subtle protagonist in the novel. One who never forgot his love for Lucie, the protagonist Sydney Carton changed predominately during the course of the novel. Sydney , a look-alike of Charles Darnay, was introduced as a frustrated, immature alcoholic, but in the end, made the ultimate sacrifice for a good friend. These and other characters help to weave an interesting and dramatic plot. Dr. Manette has just been released from the Bastille, and Lucie, eager to meet her father whom she thought was dead, goes with Mr. Jarvis Lorry to bring him back to England. Dr. Manette is in an insane state from his long prison stay and does nothing but cobble shoes, although he is finally persuaded to go to England. Several years later, Lucie, Dr. Manette, and Mr. Lorry are witnesses at the trial of Charles Darnay. Darnay, earning his living as a tutor, frequently travels between England and France and is accused of treason in his home country of France. He is saved from being prosecuted by Sydney Carton, who a witness confuses for Darnay, thus not making the case positive. Darnay ended up being acquitted for his presumed crime. Darnay and Carton both fall in love with Lucie and want to marry her. Carton, an alcoholic at the time, realizes that a relationship with Lucie is impossible, but he still tells her that he loves her and would do anything for her. Darnay and Lucie marry each other on the premises of the two promises between Dr. Manette and Darnay. Right after the marriage, while the newlyweds are on their honeymoon, Dr. Manette has a relapse and

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ciscop Systems essays

Ciscop Systems essays Great job opportunity for highly skilled computer technicians which may land you in a multi-million dollar career. (Vass, 16) That was what I read on the magazine just a couple of weeks ago. I thought that it was another one of the authors jokes. He thinks that all great jobs are taken by highly educated people, which I think he doesnt think I fit quite well in. So I thought that that was all a joke, but I was wrong. Late that night I was surfing the net looking for a site to work on for my term paper and I found Cisco Systems. I was reading it and thought everything about Cisco Systems seemed to be basic stuff that I already know. So I kept on pondering around the internet, surfing, figuring things out about Cisco Systems. My mind seemed to brighten up, filling up with information which I know, told me that Cisco Systems was not just for geniuses. Cisco Systems is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco's networking solutions connect people, computing devices and computer networks, allowing people to access or transfer information without regard to differences in time, place or type of computer system. (http://cisco.com/warp/public/750/corpfact.html, 2 March). In my knowledge of Cisco Systems job opportunities, the career seems to be the most influential, most generous, and most integrity-driven company in history. The Company's past success is due in large part to building a world class senior management team that has been able to effectively evaluate competitive, marketplace, and global economic challenges and then move quickly to take advantage of these market opportunities, which I know that I truly am capable to take part in and give them a boost in. Future success shall be determined by how I and this team continues to execute goals for success, together if and when I am employed with. The Cisco Networking Academy Partnership Program is de...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Harmonization of Commercial Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Harmonization of Commercial Law - Essay Example 1. Preamble Law is vital to dealing with any disputes that arise out of human interaction. Over the centuries, laws have been developed to facilitate human activities in myriad spheres including business and commercial transactions. In the earliest days such laws were generally confined to regional borders and other such boundaries where a single government had enough authority to enforce such laws. However, increasing human interaction necessitated the expansion of trade to beyond frontiers where any one government operated thus leading to a certain liquidity in international business and commerce. On the one hand such liquidity has helped businesses to grow and expand into newer markets and on the other hand these interactions have resulted in disputes that are not covered by the regular cover of law. The historical evolution of laws in various nations and cultures has meant that laws are differentiated around the world. Hence, national laws may not be able to provide legal cover i n transnational and international commercial interactions. In order to deal with this problem there has been talk and action to develop a harmonised set of laws that govern international commercial transactions. ... In order to boost enforceability there has been a teeming move to harmonise such laws so that each nation or other such territorial or other such distinction has uniform laws. This approach to commercial international law has resulted in yet more unique circumstances than ever before. Nations and other such entities have begun framing laws to govern international commercial transactions which are merely similar in nature. It has been argued that these laws are more of a problem in themselves rather than a solution to the predicament at hand. The laws dealing commercial international transactions are seen to be inherently flawed in the manner that they are drafted and enforced in leading to more problems than before. In order to deal with this dilemma it has been suggested that the more appropriate approach would be to devise methods that would encourage states to draft and enforce private dispute laws in the context of international commercial transactions. The current approach relie s heavily on delineating various rights, roles and responsibilities of parties involved in international commercial transactions rather than dealing with dispute resolution upfront. It has been suggested that international commercial law can be simplified if the enforcing government concentrates on dispute resolution than delineating rights because it would allow involved parties to make better contractual choices. This text will attempt to analyse this claim in relation to international commercial law by looking at how harmonisation is supposed to function in principle and how it is actually being used. The shortcomings in current law harmonisation techniques will be looked into fully including drafting and enforcing laws. This will be taken further into

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Measurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Customer Satisfaction Measurement - Essay Example Net Promoter measures the loyalty of the customer while the J.D power and Associates measure the customer service. Net promoter is useful because it is a practical method. It has several advantages such as its simplicity (The Net Promoter). It applies the use of questioning through taking up a survey. It uses the Net Promoter Score to determine the business line and even the customer service. It is easy to use unlike other complicated indexes. The company may choose to use a phone, email, or web to conduct its surveys. The Net Promoter has a quick follow-up. This index gives the feedback of customers on time whenever it is assigned to investigate on them. Its work is to contact the company manager and give updates concerning his customers. The Net Promoter is a growing body with a lot of experiences; this implies that it has a lot of experiences. It has worked for several companies (The Net Promoter). It has the ability adaptability hence flexible to any change that can occur at any given time. J.D Associates is popular for its consumer surveys. It is best for conducting automotive surveys in most industries. This index ensures that the customers’ satisfaction is under achievement level (J. D. Power). Its main emphasis is on the effective handling service to customers. It takes into account five measures to determine the overall satisfaction of the customer. It ensures that customers have the required repair and maintenance for their vehicles hence keeping them satisfied with their service. The results shown by the two indexes help the company to identify the customer satisfaction, point the unhappy customers, and get the advocates with full potential. Customer satisfaction survey provides the ratings of customers that can have a powerful effect to the company development. These effects aid the employees to gain focus in their work as a result, they push towards satisfying the customers’ expectations (The Net Promoter). They give warnings about

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Self assessment in MEMO style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Self assessment in MEMO style - Essay Example I am also an honest person, and I believe to win the trust of the organizations managers and employees. I am also friendly in nature and would easily create a good rapport with other staffs (Stanton, 2009). Considering my weakness, I am always time conscious and would carry out a job hurriedly without considering the consequences. I also easily believe and trust the unknown person, hence can easily be convinced to do something without realization of the consequences. I am also a straightforward person and would not tolerate anything bad done by the employees or employers despite the rank. I am also somehow emotional and sensitive; I can easily be annoyed to an extent that I lose control of myself (Stanton, 2009). In the carrying out of the plan for improvement, my first step is to come up with a list of all my weakness and strengths. This would allow me to form comparison and see if any strength can cancel out any weakness and also to see if the strengths overpower the weaknesses. The second step is to analyze the environment of the workplace to see if it is favorable for my weaknesses and strengths. This will give me a hint on whether to take or reject the job. I will finally look if there is a room for change in the organization, of which if not a reject the job. In my conclusion, strengths and weakness in communication are things that exist in the daily life. An individual should never allow the strengths to overpower the weaknesses. I believe in change provided I am given a chance to work on my weaknesses. I believe in adjusting myself to the working environment despite the weaknesses I

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discuss the ways in which Steinbeck explores the concept of the American Dream is central to the novel Essay Example for Free

Discuss the ways in which Steinbeck explores the concept of the American Dream is central to the novel Essay The American Dream was a dream that nearly everyone had throughout the twentieth century. It was hope for a better life and people believed strongly that it would come true. The main characters in Of Mice Men have a dream which was to get a plot of land and live on it and become self-sufficient. The American Dream was not an achievable goal for many people. Steinbeck shows this failure through the characters of Lennie George. The American dream was a great thing. We first heard about it when Lennie and George were sitting by the river at the beginning of the book. The dream was a hope that every rancher had an opportunity for a better life. Lennie and George, the two main characters, had such a dream, Some day were gonna get a little place and a couple of acres. The idea was to get a piece of land, grow crops and have an improved life there. They also new exactly what they were aiming for and what they wanted. They realised that their imagination should not be set too high for fear of disappointment. The two men also knew that they should not tell other people about the plot of land in case it was snatched from under their noses. This frequently happened then, as so many people were seeking the same desire., Well its ten acres said George. Got a little win mill. Got a little shack on it and a chicken run. Got a kitchen, orchard, cherries, peaches, cots, nuts, got a few berries. This shows that Lennie and George had ambition and again, knew what they wanted. It also shows that there were places where the dream had a chance of coming true, and that affordable land was for sale. Lennie and George intended to get the land by working extremely hard for a couple of months. They would earn standard migrant labour workers wages which was of course not very much, as the great depression was around at the time the book was set. The men hoped to save money and put it towards the plot of land, Look, if me an Lennie work a month an dont spen nothing well have a hundred bucks. Sooner or later people started to realise that the American Dream was turning into a nightmare. This is shown in the book by all the travelling and unemployment. Steinbeck shows that people were determined to get a job and willing to travel around to find one, he reinforces this through Lennie and George. At the start of the novel Steinbeck told us that they were walking, so we obviously know that they have had a nomadic life. During their rest they have a conversation about their travels The first thing you know is that they are pounding away at some other ranch. This backs up the fact that people travel around for jobs. We know how Lennie and George frequently lose their jobs, this is due to Lennie constantly getting the pair of them into trouble which jeopardises their current job. Because of this they have to travel from one ranch to another in search of another job. Also you can corroborate the fact that people travelled by George quoting, The hell with what I says. You remember about us going into Murray and Readys and they give us work cards and bus tickets. Murray and Ready are a typical work agency that sprung up in America during the Great Depression. In the 1930s the Great Depression spoilt the American Dream, it damaged everything that had a promising future, from buying food to making investments in the stock market. Through out the novel we do not see this very much. It is shown only as a high unemployment rate. George is very passionate about work as he wants to achieve his dream. As you read on through the book George comments on other people in his situation, They aint got nothing to look ahead to. Implying that George is fed up of losing his job to other people. He now knows you should not think about looking ahead to long term ambitions as anything can happen. The rate of unemployment was a serious issue at the time of the book, as the economy was decreasing rapidly. It is shown through various characters such as Carlson, Slim, Lennie, George and many more. We know that they all have been travelling from ranch to ranch in search of jobs during this time, they have started to feel like they do not have a home and dont belong anywhere. Guys like us, they got no family and dont belong no place. They come to a ranch an work up a stake then they go into town and blow their stake. This was quite normal for young and old men in their quest, not just for the dream, but for survival. Because of that, it made it hard for people to keep a job as other people who were as desperate, came along and accepted less pay to work at the same job, just so they could get some money. The idea of the American Dream was to be happy but just as well as the Great depression, racism also crippled the illusion. The dream was merely for the whites, as many of the blacks were unlawfully discarded from the opportunity or status to achieve it. Steinbeck shows this in the book through a character called Crooks, who was a crippled Negro stable buck and had suffered years of abuse in his life. Although Crooks could read and write, he was very lonely and because he was black, he could not join in with the usual endeavours of other men on the ranch. Suppose you had to sit out here and read books. Sure you could play horseshoes till it gets dark, but then you got to read books. This shows he only had books for company. It was still very racist in the 1930s so there was not much chance of Crooks achieving the dream by himself and certainly no one at that time would try to help. In the course of the book Crooks also tells us about his life in the past, how his father did actually achieve the dream, and how his family was the only coloured family in Soledad, which is where the book was set. There wasnt another coloured family for miles around. And now there aint no coloured man on this ranch. Crooks felt strongly about this, he was neglected by everyone and still felt as if he was being treated as an unequal by every other man. He wanted so much to be included in the games that everyone participated in. Suppose you couldnt go into the bunk house and play rummy cause you was black. Because Crooks was being denied these privileges he turned into a bitter man who was equally as malicious as the offenders. This portrays the dream in a bad way, which is unusual as the dream is usually portrayed as being happy and being the provider when it actually created tensions between different races and cultures and caused many tribulations between people. Although Crooks is abused by many people on the ranch there is one person in the book who does not discriminate him because he is black, that person is Lennie. Lennie does not understand or see the racism in the world and he sees everyone as being the same. Crooks feels he can talk to Lennie about many things, A guy can talk to you an be sure you wont go blabbin. Because of this it reassures Crooks and makes him feel better as he knows he can talk to some one instead of read books At first there was a chance of the dream coming true. One reason was because of Candy, willing to give his life savings so he would know that he had somewhere to go after he was incapable of working on the ranch, Tell you what suppose I went in with you guys thas three hundred and fifty bucks Id put in. This endorses the fact that he was willing to put every last coinage that he had, to assist him to have a happy finale to his life. Also Crooks, the negro stable buck, offers to help, If you guys would want a hand in work for nothing just his keep. He did this just so he could have a friendship with someone and feel liked. In addition no one else knew about this certain plot of land, which made it a secret of the group and easy to obtain. We know that the owners needed to get the money fast, The ol people that owns it is flat bust an the ol lady needs an operation. Because of all this Lennie, George and Candy stood a very good chance of achieving this reverie. The American dream ended due to a series of unfortunate events. Steinbeck shows this through Lennie and George not getting the land. They did not get it because of many things. The main reason for them failing was Lennie. He spoilt the dream for George, as he was constantly getting into trouble and destroying any chance that he had to achieve the dream. After a while other men on the ranch begin to question their past, for example, Slim, What happened in Weed. We know that they have been travelling around and losing jobs, but it was not just because of other men stealing their jobs only to get paid less, it was also Lennie destructively destroying their chances, because of this they, had to move on to another ranch. In the end they had no hope what so ever, of the dream coming true because of Lennie, once again, getting George into trouble, as he was responsible for Lennie, when he unintentionally killed Curlys wife. If given the chance most men on the farm would attempt the dream even if they thought it was impossible. A good example is Crooks, at one point in the story, he was putting down the fact of any one achieving their goal, Jesus I seen it too many time. Too many guys with land in their head. They never get none under their hand. When Crooks found out that there was a chance of it happening, he decided on trying to get in on it, If you guys would want a hand to work for nothing, just his keep, why Id come an lend a hand. You can see also that people always put down the achievement of the dream, but they all had a secret burning ambition to get it if the chance came around. Through out the book Steinbeck managed to portray the conditions of the Great Depression in the 1930s. He also gave us a glimpse of The American Dream that every one pursued and showed us that it was not an easy achievement. Steinbeck has managed to show the different levels of hardship and suffering that people faced during that period of time and also managed to show more hopeless situations of people from a minority. The concept of the American Dream is at the heart of the novel Of Mice Men and therefore allows Steinbeck to make comments on American Society and the time of the Great Depression.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Transformational, Transactional and Laissez faire Leadership

Transformational, Transactional and Laissez faire Leadership Healthcare organizations nowadays are facing many complex issues that affect theirs success like providing best health care within affordable cost and staff retention. Lack of job satisfaction among nurses and increase the rate of staff absenteeism and turnover, consider other critical issues that have great impact on the organization continuation. Those challenges need well prepared leader who adopt an effective leadership style to mange and over come them. Leadership style affects the development and employees commitment (Spinelli, 2006). Many scientists and researchers are interested nowadays in leadership and management field. Leadership define as the process of motivating people to work together collaboratively to accomplish great things or the capacity to influence others. Effective leader help to increase the followers commitment and interest in the organization goals Different leadership theories and styles were tested to study their effectiveness. Early studies and researches in leadership was based on belief that the leader should have or born with specific general personal trait and he the ones who mainly set the rules and the responsibilities and the follower accomplish them. But with the time, the value of the collaboration and teamwork increase especially in the health care setting different which lead to contemporary theories to evolve. Contemporary theories consider that effective leadership is a certain skills that can be taught, trained or adopted by the leader. In this paper we will compare between th ree contemporary leadership theories: The transformational, transactional and the laissez-faire leadership what they mean and which one is more effective (Vroom Jago, 2007). Transactional Leadership Style Burns (1979) developed the transformational and transactional leadership theories and later Bass (1985) applied them to study their effectiveness in the organizations (Spinelli, 2006).Transactional leadership is an exchange process that identifies needs of employees and provides rewards to meet those needs in return for expected performance. A transactional leadership style consider as replacement of the autocratic leadership because both of them generate a level of predictability and order. The transactional leadership is more practical in nature because of its emphasis on meeting specific targets or objectives and focused more on daily basis task. Subordinates of transactional leaders are not expected to be creatively because they are monitored and evaluated on the basis of predetermined criteria (Aarons, 2006). Burns (1978) believed that transactional leadership is based on bureaucratic authority. Transactional leaders focus on work standards, assignments and task-oriented goals. In addition, he believed that transactional leaders tend to focus on task completion and employee compliance. Those leaders influence employee performance by using the organizational rewards and punishments. The transactional leader described also, as an agent of change and goal setter; a leader that works well with employees resulting in improvements in productivity (Emery, College, Barker, Fredonia, 2007). Bass and Avolio (1987) transactional leadership can be divided to there model: passive, active and contingent. Passive transactional leadership or management-by exception (MBE) means that status will remain as its unless things go wrong, in this case leader practicing passive management-by-exception will take actions that often have a negative implication. active transactional leadership involves an interaction between leader and follower that stress more on a more positive exchange; for example, providing appropriate rewards when followers meet objectives. Through that the leader will emphasizes on acceptable accomplishments and increase the followers motivation. Finally contingent style is where the leader focused on clarifying the rules and requirements for the followers and then rewards them due to fulfilling the obligations (Murphy, 2005). Transformational Leadership Style The transformational leadership theory is a cooperative, process-focused networking where the leader motivates his followers to create, inspire and influences changes in them. Leader of this style act as role model for his followers, attend their needs and involve them in the decision making process. The main point in this theory is to encourage the followers to perform to their full capacity and meet the expectations. Transformational Leader need to have a base of transaction qualities to establish his style successfully. Transformational leadership is not a substitute for transactional leadership, but it develops and enhances it (Tomey, 2004). The transformational and transactional leadership consisting of seven dimensions.(Bass, 1985; Avolio, Bass Jung, 1999) developed an instrument that include all those seven dimensions and used to measure the components of transactional, transformational leadership and laissez-faire leadership styles. This instrument, called the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Gumusluoglu, Ilsev, 2009). Transformational leadership is measured by four dimensions: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. In Idealized influence the leader does the right thing, take risks and act as role model for his followers which make him trusted and respected from his followers. . Inspirationally motivating leaders has high expectations and they are trying to inspire and motive their followers by changing their thoughts to achieve their leaders visions and expectations. Intellectual stimulation involves providing a supportive environment in the work which will encourage the employees to be more creative, accepting challenging tasks and involve in decisions making process. Finally, an individually considerate leader treats each employee as a unique person with respect to their differences, spends time coaching employees and appreciate their achievements with continues feed backing. (Arnold, Turner, Barling, Kelloway, McKee, (2007). Laissez-Faire Leadership Style Laissez-Faire leadership can be described as a nondirective, passive and inactive style. Leaders of this style believe that internal drives and believes motivate the follower to act .The leader in this style sets few rules for processing the issues in the organization and then delegates them to the subordinates. The leader needs to know very well the level of knowledge, competence and integrity of his followers to be able to delegate the tasks. This style helps the follower to invest their talents and abilities to the maximum. Its more effective if used with very mature and autonomous employees, but mostly it not effective or productive style. The risks here arise when the leader mistaken in choosing the suitable employee to accomplished the delegated tasks. Lack of clear vision and direction for the organization lead the followers to adopt different goals and objective, increase the stress level among the followers and decrease the productivity and the quality. Laissez-Faire leader do not influence the organization culture due to minimal interactions between him and his followers. Finally Laissez-Faire leadership style mainly can be used in small business not for big organizations like health organizations (Daly, Speedy Jackson, 2004). The Effectiveness of Transformational, Transactional  and Laissez-Faire Leadership Many researches and studies done to test the effectiveness and the consequences of adopting different leadership styles on the employee and the organization itself. For example, a study done in 2008 include of 447 staff working in a care center for the elderly in large Danish local government. This study used a longitudinal survey design and questionnaires. Transformational researchers here were testing three hypotheses one of them is the direct relationship between leadership and wellbeing in the followers. The study shown that the there is a strong relation between using the leader the transformational leadership style in dealing with his employees and their well being and decreasing their level of the work stress (Gumusluoglu et al., 2009). Other study done by Berson and Linton in 2005 conclude that the leader who follows the transformational leadership style in dealing with his employees will help them to be more creative and enthusiastic, increase their commitment in the job In 2006, a research done that involve subordinate managers from five hospitals in northeastern Pennsylvania.101 surveys were been distributed in five hospitals in northeastern Pennsylvania .The survey instrument used was the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) that developed by Bernard Bass and Bruce Avolio (1997). The scientists want here to test the relation between the transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles of healthcare CEOs and their subordinate managers satisfaction with them, their willingness to exert extra effort, and perception of their leaders effectiveness. The study shown that the more CEOs followed the laissez-faire style in dealing with their subordinate managers, the lesser subordinate managers reported exerting extra effort and expressed satisfaction with the leader, and disbelieved in the efficiency of their leader (Spinelli, 2006). Employee job satisfaction is often consisting of the following elements: the job itself, supervisor relationship, management beliefs, future opportunity, work environment, pay/benefits/rewards, and co-worker relationships. According to Morriss research, employee job satisfaction is a critical factor in the satisfaction of the customers. In a study of customer satisfaction at a major Midwestern hospital, the correlation between the nurses job  satisfaction and the patients willingness to recommend the unit was .85, in the same study the nurses them self shown more satisfaction if their head managers developed transformational behaviors (Emery et al., 2007). Many studies encourage health care mangers to use both the transformational and the transactional leadership skills in their setting. Aarons (2006) did a study include 303 mental health providers working in 49 mental health programs for youths in California where involved in a study aim to examine the relation between leadership and mental health providers attitudes toward adopting evidence-based practice. The study shown that both transformational and transactional leadership were positively associated with providers having more positive attitudes toward adoption of evidence-based practice, but in transformational leadership the employees found no difference between their current practice and evidence-based practice which may affect the application of the new practices in the organization. The researchers recommend in this study that the mental health service organizations may benefit from improving transformational and transactional leadership skills in preparation for implementing evidence-based practices. McGuire and Kennerly (2006) mentioned that the leader needs to have a balance between transformational and transactional skills in his management, create effective plan that meet his employees needs. Conclusion Effective leadership styles and theories has been thoroughly studied and tested by scientists due its importance in the success of the organization. Leader in transactional style focused on tasks and reward the employee and recognize them if they meet the agreed objectives. Transformational leader act as role model for his followers inspires and motivate them and meet their needs. Laissez-faire leader provide no visions or directions for his followers, tend to delegate the tasks and avoid decision making. Many studies support the transformational style because its provide supportive environment where the employee work creatively, show commitment and meet the expected requirements. Some studies encourage leaders to make combination between the three styles in their management, because different situation need the style. Transformational and Laissez-faire styles are more useful in encouraging the employees to work independently and creativity. Transactional style is more effective when the leader want to set new practices and need to implement them within specific time.