Saturday, September 7, 2019

Gp 3 managing organizational change Research Paper

Gp 3 managing organizational change - Research Paper Example Shared’ in which the members will be asked to form the teams and in each team there will be a note taker who will write the common traits of the team members and then the unique traits of the individuals (Unique and Shared). This activity will help each team member to understand the behavior of entire team to ease and open the intra-group communication and they will learn to manage the conflicts. Johari Window is used to create open communication by sharing information of each other to build trust and then attain feedback for further improvement (The Johari Window). Day 2 will be suitable for Johari window introduction as the day is dedicated to setting themes and priorities. Once the team members are fluently communicative with each other, they can easily work on priorities and themes. Unique and Shared - Icebreakers, Ice Breakers, Ice Breaker Games. (n.d.).Icebreakers, Ice Breakers, Ice Breaker Games. Retrieved May 17, 2014, from

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