Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ground Water Depletion Has Raised One Of The Most...

Ground water depletion has raise one of the most important issues nowadays, and it has become a worldwide problem. Many cities in the U.S. has drought that can last around a month. With the over-population today, usable water is not enough for every-one today. Moreover, general public tend to overuse water instead of saving water. Industries extract water from the ground. They also destroy forests which make the ground water lost more tremendously. Based on the rational public’s decisions to waste water, and also the industries mal said behavior, the ground water depletion is a problem that the government and the citizens need to take it seriously. Many technical solutions are proposed to solve the problem. But in order for the technical†¦show more content†¦The inherent logic of the commons remorselessly generates tragedy; each man is locked into a system that imposes him to increase his herd regardless limitation. The â€Å"tragedy of the commons† also shows a strong struggle between individual’s benefit versus community’s benefit. And to the solution to the problem, Garrett Hardin tells his idea from many aspects, namely recognition of necessity, mutual coercion mutually agreed upon, pathogenic effects of conscience. Closing some places of headwater or decrease the number of exploitation well to compress the exploitation to the range of mining compression to permitted groundwater recharge. Groundwater is a renewable resource. It can be recharged from Underground River, surface water penetration, and other underground resources. However, its recharge rate is very low. The rate of recharge depends on several outside sources, such as rainfall. If we can control the amount of usage, we are able to manage its rate of recharge. Since the rate of recharge is most likely a constant, if we can reduce the amount of usage, the ratio between usage and recharge rate increases. This means the groundwater can be slowly recharge instead of depletion. Factories and farms are usually the biggest consumers of water companies. Factories in U.S.A are using more than 18,200 million gallons of water per day where individual is using less than 80 gallons of water. We cannot limit the individual water use, but

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